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User:Trieu/Method of matrix rank

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Suppose we want to write program to find out the rank of a matrix Arxc, where 'r' and 'c' are the number of rows and columns of matrix A.

By any available programming languages, one should be able to define an 2 dimensions array, say A[1->r,1->c] to keep all elements of matrix Arxc that we are going to find a rank.

Here, the method merely does similar to the process that everyone often do to work out the rank by hand.

function make(i,j,a); // assign value "a" to A[i,j].

if (a==0) {
for (m=j->c) {
if (j==1) {
} // end of (j==1)
if (j!=1) {
} // end of (j!=1)
} // end for
} // end if
if (a==1) {
for (m=j->c) {
} // end for
} // end if
} // end function
for (j=1->c) {
for (i=j->r) {
if (i==j) { make(i,j,1); }
if (i!=j) { make(i,j,0); }

Then, Arxc is now rewritten in echelon form!

We count the non-zero rows by writting such as:

for (i=1->r) {
for (j=1->c) {
if (A[i,j]!=0) { zero=false; }
if (zero==true) { count++; }

Notes: The above illustration does not conform to any programming language, one should match the algorithm appropriate with the language you are using.