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Talk:Pomerania/Archive 1

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Archive 1Archive 2

Claim to Pomerania as supposedly inherited by Mieszko I

Here is a text written ca 1050 (referring to ca 970-1000) mentioning the wife Ote and her husband Dagome (who was later called Mieszko I):

Latin: Item in alio tomo sub Iohanne XV papa Dagome iudex et Ote senatrix et filii eorum: Misicam et Lambertus - nescio cuius gentis homines, puto autem Sardos fuisse, quoniam ipsi a III iudicibus reguntur - leguntur beato Petro contulisse unam civitatem in integro, que vocatur Schinesghe, cum omnibus suis pertinentiis infra hos affines, sicuti incipit a primo latere longum mare, fine Bruzze usque in locum, qui dicitur Russe et fines Russe extendente usqie in Craccoa et ab ipsa Craccoa usque ad flumen Oddere recte in locum, qui dicitur Alemure, et ab ipsa Alemura usque in terram Milze recte intra Oddere et exinde ducente iuxta flumen Oddera usque in predictam civitatem Schinesghe.

Translation into English: Also in another book from the times of Pope John XV, Dagome [1], lord, and Ote, lady[3], and their sons Mieszko and Lambert[4] (I don't know of which tribe are those people, but I think they are Sardinians, because those are ruled by four lords) were supposed to give to Saint Peter one state in whole, which is called Shinesghe[5] with all its lands in borders, which from one side are started along the sea[6], along the Prussia to the place called Rus, from there to the Cracow and from that Cracow to the river of Oder, straight to place called Alemure[7], and from that Alemure to the land of Milczanie, and from that borders of that people to Oder and from that, going with river of Oder, ending at earlier mentioned state of Shinesghe.

1. Pomerania is not in this text. 2. the name Pomerania did not exists before 1000. 3. The territory which after 1000 became Pomerania was before 1000 a part of land that Harald Blauzahn Harald Bluetooth had received as lien from Holy Roman Emperor Otto and were H. Bluetooth died in exile from his son. After 1000 (ca 1020) this territory was again given as lien by another HRE emperor to be ruled. 4. The Latin text in the Dagome Iudex or Index talks about Sardinians? That refers to Ote, Oda von Haldensleben being of the royal/imperial family of the Saxon Ottonian emperors and her husband Dago...(supposedly a Northmen) later called Mieszko I, ruler of the Polanen of a land called Poland centuries later and called Piasts eighthundred years later. The Saxon Ottonian German emperors at that time also governed Italy, emperor Otto III had his seat in Rome.

There is much nonsense in Pomerania Wikipedia article Pomerania is absurd

removed to talk:

The name of Pomerania was probably first mentioned as Latin words 'longum mare' (=along the sea) in the Dagome Iudex document (ca 992), issued by the Polish duke Mieszko I, describing the boundaries of his Gniezno state.

Along the sea is not the name Pomerania. The first time recording of Pomerania is in the record of Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor in 1043

Pomerania means ALONG THE SEA. It's direct translation of Polish name. And we went through all of this already

(diff) (hist) . . Pomerania; 05:44 . . Gdansk (Talk) (According to Prof. Henryk Lowmianski, Poznan University - words 'along the sea' are the first mention of Pomerania)